Does Breast Augmentation With Fat Transfer Last?
Posted June 28, 2024 in Breast Procedures

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries, with over 300,000 performed in the United States last year. But did you know that implants aren’t the only method for enhancing your breasts? Fat transfer, known mainly as the magic behind Brazilian Butt Lifts, can also be used to boost your bosom. But how effective is fat transfer breast augmentation, and does it last as long as breast augmentation with implants?
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Breast Augmentation With Fat Transfer
Beauty standards have historically shifted slightly to reflect the aesthetics of new generations. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the rising trend in cosmetic surgery is a shift towards more natural, athletic body shapes. As such, many patients who are seeking a breast augmentation are looking for a way to enhance their breasts to balance their overall figure instead of opting for a dramatic size increase. Breast augmentation with fat transfer is a way to increase the size of your breasts using fat harvested from your own body, giving you rounder, fuller breasts without using synthetic implants.
However, like any cosmetic procedure, breast augmentation using fat transfer may not be the right choice for everyone. In this blog, we explore whether breast augmentation with fat transfer offers lasting results, factors that influence your final results, benefits and drawbacks, and how you can decide if this procedure is right for you.
Will the Results of My Breast Augmentation With Fat Transfer Last?
When deciding between breast augmentation with implants or fat transfer, longevity of results is often a key factor. On the one hand, breast implants are built to last, but did you know you’ll have to get them replaced at least once in your lifetime? Both silicone and saline implants are durable and made to withstand the test of time; however, like any manufactured product, they eventually break down and become more vulnerable to leaks or rupture. Most modern implants last between 15 and 20 years before needing to be replaced.
On the other hand, choosing breast augmentation with fat transfer means you never have to undergo additional surgeries to remove or replace implants. So yes, the short answer is that breast augmentation with fat transfer does last.
However, your results from breast augmentation with fat transfer (including how long they last) depend on factors influenced by both you and your surgeon.
Surgical Skill and Technique
No matter what type of cosmetic surgery you undergo, you should always choose a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in your chosen procedure—this is especially true in the case of breast augmentation with fat transfer. The techniques used to harvest and purify the fat heavily influence the viability of the fat cells, as does the placement of the injections. If you want to maximize the amount of fat cells that survive the fat transfer process, a surgeon’s skill and experience matter.
Weight Fluctuations
Once you’ve completely recovered from your breast augmentation with fat transfer and the transferred fat cells have anchored themselves to a blood supply, your results are considered permanent. However, weight fluctuations can cause changes to your breasts. Significant weight gain or loss can change the size and shape of your breasts, creating asymmetry, drooping, and loss of volume. That’s why it is advisable to be close to your goal weight at the time of your procedure and maintain a steady weight after.
Postoperative Care
Your surgeon will provide you with detailed instructions on caring for your breasts during the fat transfer breast augmentation recovery period. These instructions typically include avoiding placing any pressure on your breasts, sleeping on your back, and not lifting anything heavy or engaging in strenuous activities until cleared by your surgeon. Staying hydrated and eating a healthy diet is also helpful, and avoiding nicotine is a must. Nicotine constricts blood vessels, making it harder for the fat cells to survive, impairing healing and raising your risk of complications.
Advantages of Breast Augmentation With Fat Transfer
Natural Breast Enhancement
When you choose breast augmentation with fat transfer, you’re choosing to enhance your breasts with fat taken from your own body. Increasing your breast size using this method gives you completely natural results, with the transferred fat used to precisely shape and fill each breast. An additional benefit is eliminating the risk of allergic reactions and other implant-related complications such as capsular contracture or rupture.
Liposuction Is Built Right In
A common question many women have when undergoing breast augmentation is if other procedures like liposuction surgery can be added to their implant surgery. The answer is typically yes, which is why combination procedures like Mommy Makeover procedures are so popular. Getting liposuction along with breast augmentation is a great way to create even more noticeable results, as “snatching” your waist with liposuction will amplify your new bustline even more. With breast augmentation using fat transfer, liposuction doesn’t need to be added to your surgery, as it is already an integral part of the procedure.
Disadvantages of Breast Augmentation With Fat Transfer
Size Limitations
One of the key benefits of breast augmentation is the ability to choose everything about how you’d like your new breasts to look, as implants are available in a variety of sizes, shapes, and projections. On the other hand, while fat transfer breast augmentations also offer several benefits, your size choices are limited. Fat transfer can only increase your breasts by one to two cup sizes, so if you are looking for a bigger boost, implants may be a better option.
Fat Resorption
When you undergo fat transfer augmentation, the fat cells injected into your breasts must settle in and attach to a blood supply to keep them viable. However, in most cases, some of the transferred fat doesn’t survive and is absorbed back into your body in a process known as fat resorption. On average, about 50 to 70 percent of the fat transferred to your breasts will survive, creating the volume you want, but there is no way to know ahead of time how much fat will be reabsorbed. However, your surgeon accounts for resorption by “overfilling” your breasts so that when all is said and done, you should end up with the size you expected.
Learn More About Breast Augmentation With Fat Transfer in Beverly Hills, CA
If you’re considering breast augmentation but are unsure whether to pursue implant augmentation or fat transfer augmentation, Dr. Josef Hadeed can help. His experience and expertise in breast procedures give him insight into which type of breast augmentation would be most beneficial for you and will align with your goals and desired results. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Hadeed, call our office at (310) 970-2940 or complete our online contact form.