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What is Rib Remodeling Surgery?

(310) 970-2940 | Beverly Hills | Miami

“Hi, it’s Dr. Josef Hadeed. I’m a plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, California. And today I’m going to talk about rib remodeling, which is an innovative new technique to help narrow the waistline.

A lot of people may have heard of rib removal, and rib remodeling is not the same as rib removal surgery. Rib remodeling is a less invasive technique, but it still achieves the same results of narrowing the waistline.

In order to be a good candidate for rib remodeling, one has to have a BMI—a body mass index—of less than 30 and may not be diabetic. Typically, good candidates for the procedure are people that have realistic expectations about what the surgery can and cannot achieve, and also people who generally take care of themselves, exercise on a regular basis, and perhaps have always wanted a narrower waistline, which is one of the goals of having the rib remodeling procedure done.

Rib remodeling surgery can be done on its own, or more commonly in conjunction with high-definition body sculpting.

In order to do the rib remodeling procedure, two small incisions are made in the back, and a special instrument is inserted through the small incision. And the outer part of the 10th, 11th, and 12th ribs are cut through in a controlled manner, and a controlled medical grade fracture is made. And then, the rib is carefully repositioned or remodeled into its new location in order to narrow and bring in the waistline.

The recovery process is a little bit longer than most other surgical procedures that we do in plastic surgery. The patients have to wear a corset for three months after the procedure. And light cardio can be done at about six weeks after surgery, but typically weightlifting cannot be resumed until three months after the procedure is done. Most patients are able to resume going back to work within two to three weeks after having the procedure done.”

Beverly Hills, California

9454 Wilshire Blvd
Suite 710
Beverly Hills, CA 90212

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